Trichotillomania (trich for short) is a type of impulsive control disorder causing a repeated urge to pull or twist the hair until it breaks off. This may be hair on any parts of the body such as head, eyelashes, eyebrows and arms, and leads to thinning and bald patches. Some may even consume their own hair. It is estimated that trich can start at around 11~13 years old, affecting around 4 people in 100, and women are four times more likely to be affected than men.
- Uneven appearance to the hair
- Bald patches or all around loss of hair
- Bowel blockage (if hair is consumed)
- Constant tugging, pulling, twisting of hair
- Other self injury behaviours
- Sense of relief, pleasure or gratification after hair pulling
Some doctors/ experts disagree to the use of medication to treat trich, however, naltrexone and some serotonin reputake inhibitors have been shown effective in reducing some symptoms.