3 February 2012


Hiccups are caused by the sudden, involuntary contraction of the diaphragm (a thin membrane of muscle separating the chest cavity from the abdomen), resulting in the hiccup sound being produced at the top of the trachea. They are a reflex action and so you do not have any control over them. Some researchers in France believe suggest that it may be linked to how we have evolved from organisms that lived in the sea. They say hiccups may be a throwback to a time when our ancestors had gills to help them breathe.

Here are some remedies..
  • Drink about a half a teaspoon of pickle juice every 7-10 seconds until your hiccups stop.
  • Drink a normal-sized gulp of water, but don't swallow! Leave the water in your mouth. Pull down both your earlobes. Tilt your head back. Swallow.
  • Drink a teaspoon of vinegar and this should cure hiccups unless you drink the last bit of vinegar in the bottle.
  • Just say purple dinosaur
  • Drink salt water, while doing a handstand, and pinching your nose.
  • A sudden fright